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13 de November

LAR Movement and the learning as a revolution in organisations

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teya ecossistema

There is no longer any question that continuous learning is essential to the survival and growth of organisations - regardless of the sector in which they operate. 


Without learning, there is no innovation. Without learning, engagement drops and the environment worsens. Without learning, productivity is lost and results are not sustained. Continuous learning is therefore an essential competitive advantage. 


The key question - which we at teya have been focussing on for the last few years - is how to keep learning going, generating this type of benefit for business and boosting people's development. 

Is it more training? Certainly not. The IBM study, The Enterprise guide to closing the skills gap, says that "Hiring and training are no longer the answers. The time it takes to bridge the skills gap through traditional training has increased more than 10 times in the last 4 years, jumping from 3 to 36 days." 


Training has never been enough, but now it's even less! 


It is therefore necessary to focus on the learning that takes place in day-to-day work, in relationships and in experimentation. Valuing the learning that takes place when knowledge is created in a shared way, and not just passed onAll this without giving up intentionality and assertiveness in terms of what results are expected. 


Learning is not about absorbing content! Learning is what people do, in a real context, with the new knowledge they have access to - what they change in practice. 


That's the revolution we're proposing. Adding a new layer to the learning that takes place in the classroom, bringing method, indicators and visible results to something we usually think of as intangible: the Learning Culture. 


Learn about the L.A.R Movement - Learning As a Revolution, a solution that has already directly impacted more than 6,500 people from 10 different organisations. 


What is LAR - Learning As a Revolution


The LAR Movement exists to revolutionise corporate learning, going beyond the classroom to the way we plan our work, lead, deliver results and project the future. 

Such learning needs to be close and familiar, like a real "home". That's why we start from the assumption that there is no single answer for all organisations. Combining a keen eye for context with a methodology that has been tested and validated is what makes our methodology consistent. 

Awarded research

We already knew that "talking about" learning culture wasn't enough. We needed to give informal learning a deep level of conceptual and methodological grounding. 


With this in mind, LAR begins with the Your Learning Landscape research, which allows us not only to analyse Learning Culture, but also to gain insights to propose necessary interventions. 

We talk about the learning landscape and, from this, we investigate two major domains: the individual and the environment, and from these, rather than finding new answers, we generate new questions that will direct the efforts of those who make learning happen in organisations. That's why we talk about a Learning Culture strategy. 


Find out more about Your Learning Landscape, a finalist research at the Learning Technologies Awards 2023, in London 


How does LAR take place?


The LAR methodology is the result of two years of research, which has led to a four-stage approach: 


    1. EVOLVE At first, our multidisciplinary team extracts a diagnosis based on data. This is where the Your Learning Landscape research comes in, observing the indicators generated and delving deeper into the organisation's learning context. We also look outwards, mapping similar cases, and into the future, investigating what kind of learning is needed for the future of the organisation. At this stage, we present the analyses and recommendations. 
    2. INNOVATE: Next, we focus on drawing up a strategic repositioning of learning together with the organisation, creating artefacts that will enable the transformation to take place coherently: purpose, attributes and lines of action. 
    3. CONVERGE:  We then drew up a design for a new learning delivery model, including a design for the ecosystem, a governance matrix and a matrix of indicators and targets for the first year. 
    4. BOOSTING: Finally, we draw up a year 1 transformation plan, with deliverables such as a communication plan, an action roadmap with indicators, as well as mentorship and follow-up. 

More than just a product or a one-off solution, LAR is a way of thinking and doing, a permanent line of research and innovation. That's why it's a movement.