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14 de November

teya competing in the Learning Technologies Awards 2023 UK

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teya ecossistema

That's right: we're on the shortlist for the Learning Technologies Awards 2023, taking place in London, with the Your Learning Landscape research 


teya's exclusive research is one of 10 initiatives from around the world that are in the final of the Most Innovative New Learning Technologies Product (International) category. 


Want to know more about the research and its applicability?  


Strategy to revolutionise learning 

The recognition of Your Learning Landscape is the result of our genuine desire to understand what motivates learning for each person and company, its limiting factors and what we can do to create a living, pulsating Learning Culture. We have been carrying out this research continuously for more than two years 


The research is part of the LAR Movement (Learning As a Revolution), a teya solution to revolutionise learning and reposition corporate education, considering the Learning Culture layer as a field of action.  

How did we develop the research?? 

 As you may have seen in our content, we believe that learning is culture, because it happens in the relationship between people and between people and the environment   

That's why in the Your Learning Landscape research we talk about the learning landscape and, based on this, we investigate two major domains: the individual and the environment. We do this using a form that detects people's perception of the multiple dynamic and interdependent factors of learning. 


From the data collected, we generate: 


    • Indicators: 
  • Learning Culture Index 
  • Learning NPS 
  • Learning Culture Influencers Network 
  • What blocks and what favours learning on a daily basis

    • Interactive dashboard with multiple filters (area, position and more) 


    •  Individual Learning Landscape report (with development insights.) 

we have already impacted over 6,500 people and 10 different organizations.  

  It is based on this knowledge that we draw up the action plan with the LAR Movement - Learning As a Revolution, a solution that creates a corporate learning strategy incorporating the culture layer - going beyond the classroom and projecting the future of the company and its people. 


Europe's most important award 

 The Learning Technologies Awards (Your Learning Landscape), in which we are competing, is one of the main showcases for organisational learning and corporate learning technology in Europe. 

  The event is designed around the needs of the professionals from People’s Training and Development and showcases the latest technologies, learning solutions, resources and best practices. 


This recognition from experts is amazing. Together with the testimonials from our clients, it renews our conviction that we're on the right track - and that there's a lot of learning ahead!